Off The Wall Magazine Q&A with Ann Trainor Domingue



Maine.  Living in New Hampshire, in close proximity to coastal Maine, has allowed me to enjoy a seacoast region, as I did growing up in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. I currently have family and art friends living in Maine. Maine too has many details that influence my work—weather-worn working waterfront surfaces and people, seasonal color shifts, sky and water patterns, and the smells, tastes, and sounds of coastal life.


Inspiration.  I am always looking to add newness to my work via subject, relationships, or life philosophy to continue making art that reflects my journey. My appreciation for designs found in natural and manmade forms influences my work.


Medium.  I work primarily in acrylics, and frequently work in watercolor and ink. The wide variety of acrylic mediums, used to change its working properties, suits my preference to work quickly. Technical advancements of acrylics have made it possible to work on unusual surfaces. 


Artist Hero.  Early on the subtle yet colorful work of Wolf Kahn was very influential, along with the brilliant watercolors of Winslow Homer, Fairfield Porter’s figurative and landscape work, the fine drawings of Andrew Wyeth, Marimekko fabric design, Henry Moore sculpture, and the current figurative work of Danny McCaw. 


Studio. My studio is a post-and-beam one-hundred-year-old small barn. Its earlier life was as a corncrib in the village. It was taken apart and rebuilt on our property in the early 1900s. In 2016 my husband lovingly renovated it into my first real art studio—a 14’ x 16’ area that is my creative space.


Where in Maine.  Several years ago I decided on a coastal theme for my artwork. This decision also focused my search for galleries to represent my work. I now have frequent opportunities to spend time in Portland sketching, photographing, and painting about the area as a member of the Portland Art Gallery.


Fun Fact.  I’m the second oldest of nine children. 


Education.  I received a BA in studio art at Rhode Island College. Since that time I honed my design skills by working in the graphic design field for over 30 years. In addition, I educated myself through art magazines, attending workshops, taking classes, and visiting galleries.






Learn more about this artist:


Available artwork


Radio Maine podcast interview


Art Matters blog article 


Off The Wall magazine Q&A


"4 Questions"